Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Now, explain it to me

like I'm a 4 year old.

Denzel Washington's finest moment on the silver screen. I hope the character he was playing managed to stay in Philadelphia because if he moved to South London he could be waiting a long time for an answer.

The South London Waste Partnership [Incinerator] covers four boroughs. Croydon, Sutton, Merton and Kingston Upon Thames. The devastating health, environmental and financial implications have all been well documented on other blogs such as http://croydongreens.blogspot.com/search/label/incinerator or http://insidecroydon.com/2011/07/07/cancer-risks-from-1bn-croydon-incinerator-warn-greens/

However, what I can't help but notice is this...

CROYDON: Conservatives control the council and support the SLWP. Labour are in opposition and oppose it. 
SUTTON: Liberal Democrats control the council and support the SLWP. Conservatives are in opposition and oppose it.
MERTON: No Overall Control: Labour are the biggest party and support the SLWP. Conservatives are the smaller party and oppose it.
KINGSTON UPON THAMES: Liberal Democrats control the council and support the SLWP.  Conservatives are in opposition and oppose it.

STOP PRESS: Ok, so we are left wondering what the Lib Dems would do in opposition as they don't really have a presence outside of those two Councils they control. Well, the answer comes from oop North. The North London Waste Plan are lucky enough to have a Lib Dem Councillor in opposition to give us a flavour. You'll never guess what she says but... oh, you guessed it http://bit.ly/oITnjv

Why do all the Parties in control support the SLWP?

Why do all the Parties in opposition oppose the SLWP?

Are all those Parties the same?

I think I'll ask a 4 year old.

1 comment:

  1. It just goes to show the complete lack of principle the Tories, Labour and Lib Dems have. Tell a lie, the only principle is to let the market dictate the solution. Note: The market doesn't consider social and environmental costs. The last time I looked they don't appear on a profit/loss sheet.
